P.m. (KD)
P.m. (KD) kdorfman Sat, 02/18/2012 - 15:52Paramecia multimicronucleatum from Parameciavap
http://parameciavap.com/Paramecia.aspx ($45/250 mL)
Get PO from Charlene
To increase population size:
Test cultures for rotifers. Split flasks that have only paramecia
To prepare for student use:
- Sterile Erlenmyers with foam plug
- Chaos saline (http://wahoo.nsm.umass.edu/content/chaos-saline) to volume that gives maximum surface area/volume ratio)
Add sterile wheat seed (~1/25 mL)1
Transfer P.m. from PC to Chaos saline + sterile wheat seed (~1:100)
- Store at 22C in the dark
- Transfer ~10 mL culture to tissue culture flask with new seed (1 flask per pair of students)
Wheat seeds support dense rotifer populations. Start the Paramecium culture only with cultures that have no rotifers. Take multiple samples to determine rotifer content. ↩︎