calculator template

calculator template kdorfman Thu, 12/27/2012 - 15:22
To make FP-units Final Product
add: ingred1-units Ingredient 1
add: ingred2-units Ingredient 2
add: ingred3-units Ingredient 3
add: ingred4-units Ingredient 4

14 ingredients

14 ingredients kdorfman Mon, 07/28/2014 - 16:55
To make units final product
start with units ingredient 1
add: units ingredient 2
add: units ingredient 3
add: units ingredient 4
add: units ingredient 5
add: units ingredient 6
add: units ingredient 7
add: units ingredient 8
add: units ingredient 9
add: units ingredient 10
add: units ingredient 11
bring to units ingredient 12
add: units ingredient 13
autoclave for units last ingredient


Dilution kdorfman Mon, 01/18/2016 - 20:19
to make a final volume of: mL
from this initial concentration: ci
at this final concentration: cf
start with: mL stock solution

addition calculator

addition calculator kdorfman Fri, 04/21/2023 - 13:58

The + sign juxtaposes the two values, unless they are actual numerals.

So if a.value = 2 and b.value = 3 then a.value + b.value = 23

See calculator below:

Try to add the first and
second numbertogether
the result =

But 2+3 = 5 if you write the numerals instead of the variable names.

subtraction works:
a.value - b.value = -1

You can cheat, as in this second calculator:
result.value = (- firstnumber.value - secondnumber.value) * -1

Not sure how to do plain old addition

Try to add the first and
second numbertogether
the result =

cell size, sig figs

cell size, sig figs kdorfman Tue, 12/13/2016 - 21:42


ingred.value = Math.round(calculation goes here)

ingred.value = Number(Math.round((finalvol.value * 0.0052)+'e2')+'e-2');

where 2 is the number of significant digits

stoc calcs change MW

stoc calcs change MW kdorfman Wed, 08/06/2014 - 19:14

Calculations with changeable MW

MW of stuff:
Concentration: M
to make: mL
add: g dry stuff

stock calc vary conc

stock calc vary conc kdorfman Mon, 01/18/2016 - 19:29

Calculations with changing w/vol

to make: mL solution
at this concentration: mg/ml
add: g dry stuff

stock calcs

stock calcs kdorfman Wed, 08/06/2014 - 19:07

Calculations with non-changing MW

Concentration: input type = "text" onchange = "g.value = 58.44 * M.value * mL.value /1000" value="5" name="M"/> M
to make: input type="text" onchange = "g.value = 58.44 * M.value * mL.value /1000"; value="1000" name="mL"/> mL
add: input type="text" onchange = "g.value = 58.44 * M.value * mL.value /1000"; value="292.2" name="g"/> g dry stuff

test henderson hasselbalch

test henderson hasselbalch kdorfman Mon, 06/05/2017 - 18:25
if pH =

if pH =

if pH =