Nature's Notebook 2017

Nature's Notebook 2017 kdorfman Thu, 03/30/2017 - 17:32

I have reserved two vans for each of those days from 730am to noon. Amrita will be driving one van and I was hoping to find someone else to drive the other - Kate do you want to spend time on my farm looking at critters? Just a thought....I can always get my husband to drive the second van if he is free.

Students will be asked to dress appropriately to be out in the meadows and woods. We will drive them to my 90 acre farm - 4 miles from campus - and then they will spend their time learning how to observe nature while contributing to Nature's Notebook, an online phenology program for citizen scientists.


Binoculars - I am hoping that we can have one pair of binoculars per pair of students - which I guess means we need 12 or so. I recall that Sheila Patek ran a bird lab with binoculars - are those still available? I have two pair so if we are in a crunch for them, I can donate mine for those days.

Plastic coated identification sheets - for common birds, mammals, trees/flowers and butterflies. I bought a few sets last year - but we didn't have enough. 

We need 8 of each of these: butterflies Guide to common and Exotic butterflies in New England birds Massachusetts Birds Waterford Press trees and flowers New England Trees and Wildflowers

Clipboards with storage. I have found the perfect clipboard that will also hold the plastic field guides and their papers and pens - we will need about 12 of these:…