Goat anti-mouse TRITC

Goat anti-mouse TRITC kdorfman Tue, 10/02/2018 - 19:23

Anti-Mouse IgG (whole molecule) TRITC conjugate

Sigma T 5393

26 mg protein/mL

minimum working dilution = 1:64

1 µL aliquots. Add up to 100 µL 1% BSA

Alexa Fluor 568 (A11004) (red) 2mg/mL

working concentration ~10µg/mL
dilute 1:200

aliquots are 110 µL 20µg/mL

110 µL 2% BSA in PBS
to make 220 µL 10µg/mL

Use 50 µL per coverslip (there is enough for 4 per tube)