EdU kdorfman Wed, 09/11/2019 - 17:00

33mM (10X) Stock solution

100 mg of EdU powder (purchased from Carbosynth)…

is dissolved in

1.2 mL DMSO, then brought to 12 mL with H2O

Original recipe says: 10.8mL 0.5x E2 medium and

1.2ml DMSO

Rolf says the final concentration of DMSO should be more like 0.1% (after dilution of the 10X EdU to 1X in fish water)

Says to mix with water and warm gently (to thaw, use 60C for 15 minutes)

So try 33 mM EdU in 1% DMSO.

To make 20 mL 10X EdU in 1% DMSO, mix

  • 166 mg EdU
  • 0.2 mL DMSO (heat gently by putting it in a beaker of heated water)
  • bring to final volume with distilled water