F/2 Medium for algae (424)

Submitted by kdorfman on Mon, 01/15/2024 - 18:16

5 liters of f/2 medium for algae.

L1 Medium Kit from Bigelow NCMA contains the nitrate, phosphate, trace minerals, and vitamins. Add the antibiotics from prep room freezer stocks.

Re-inoculate once during week of 1/15

TA & Students will re-inoculate once monthly

50 mL/month x 4 months x 16 students = 3200 mL

Make 4 L for the semester.

To make (in a sterile hood)L F/2 medium for algae
add: mL NaNO3 (75g/L)
add: mL NaHPO4 (5 g/L)
add: mL trace minerals
add: mL vitamins
add: mL kanamycin
add: mL ampicillin
add: mL streptomycin

Plus ASW to final volume

Filter sterilize