Lab 1.3 prep

Submitted by kdorfman on Wed, 08/25/2021 - 20:43

9/16 & 9/21 2021

  • tube to mix 2 mL

  • rack to hold tubes: fluorescein stock tube, NaOH tube, dilution tube

  • 1 mM fluorescein in 10mM NaOH

  • 10mM NaOH

  • 96 well fluorescence plate (can use saved plate)

  • tape & marker

  • liquid waste beaker

  • tips & other dry trash beaker

  • two unknown fluorescein concentrations (one too dilute for Abs, one too concentrated for FL)

label ~mM Abs FL
P 0.0001 ~0 210
Q 0.015 0.8699 16496
R 0.1 4.955 26780